Dream Of Bebe Fatimah -Part One

It was the year 1489. A cool breeze was blowing softly against the elevated palace of Beebe Fatimah. The palace was half shadowed by the darkness of the night and the other portion was well lid by the light of the new moon. It was a symbolic scene of a new period in the life of Beebe Fatimah who had been drowned in the grief of her baby son who has passed of a year ago.

Tears rolled down on the supple cheek of Beebe Fatimah calling the soul of her departed baby in her heart–‘Where have you gone my son?’ Her heart was welled with deep grief-an uncontrollable sadness engulfed her.

As she was in that state of despair leaning against the bamboo thatched partition of her balcony, which was overlooking the sea shore, a small white dot was seen floating at the horizon. Within minutes the dot became more visible in the still of the night.... [Part 2]

Beebe Fatimah soon realised that the dot was actually a dove approaching her balcony grounds. It landed on her balcony. Beebe Fatimah was a little puzzled and fearful of that scene as this lonely dove was supposed to rest at that wee hour like all the other animals.

Her fear was fuelled further when the dove began to talk to Beebe Fatimah. ‘O light from the generation of The Holy Prophet Muhammad may Allah gives thee peace. Thy grieved heart will be expanded with peace. Thy departed baby is now a fruit in the heaven. In his place, Allah has blessed thee a new wise child’

The dove continues, ‘Thy child will be like the Holy Prophet in character and he will be like Prophet Isa in compassion’

‘He will be the Quthoob of this time and he will be named by Allah as Shahul Hameed. He will install Islam in Hindustan’

‘He will separate truth from falsehood. He will spread the word of Islam in the four corners of the world. Finally, he will rest in peace in south of India. And his resting place shall be the door to the Wisdom of Truth until end of time’... [Part 2]

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