Dream Of Bebe Fatimah - Part Two

As the dove continues to talk, Bebe Fatimah came to her senses. How could a dove talks ? ‘Am I dreaming?’- she uttered in her heart. In that instant she felt a strange fear of the entire event. Just as she feared the dove also vanished from the spot.

An angel appeared before Bebe Fatimah and spoke ‘ Do not fear Bebe Fatimah’ The voice of the angel was so soothing that Bebe Fatimah fear faded. ‘O Bebe Fatimah Allah swt is going to bestow on you a new baby boy’

The utterance of the angel made her ineffably happy and in that moment she opened her eyes. It was a dream.

Bebe Fatimah could not believe that she had been dreaming. She wished it was real. She hastily woke her husband up to tell about the dream. ... [Part 3]

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