End Of The Khandoori Festival

14 th Jamaidhul Akhir It is with the Will of Allah swt through my Great Grandfather Shahul Hameed Kadir Oli RA that i came to this far to have written the story of the Great Khandoori Festival in Nagore. Throughout the 14 days the message of the Al Quran will be recited and its blessings were rendered to the Great Soul who had already won the closeness of the Creator Allah swt. My Great Grandfather had sacrificed the happiness of this life for the sake of Allah alone. My faith shies away whenever i see a stronger muslim that is my Great Grandfather. Like the stars in the darkest night our faiths differ with luster. One star may never be seen by the naked eye than the other one which can brightly shines through. This is how Allah swt sees us. If our faith is stronger and robust Allah swt admire and adore us and give us the best station in spirituality. At the end of the Kandoori Festival, though the flags will be dismounted and the lights removed the spiritual light of Nagore Dargah w...