Sacred Light of Nagore

Light of Nagore Today (20th May 2007)is my birthday. I am ineffably happy to come to this far in showing the world of my Great Grandfather's spiritual station. It was my wish a year ago when i requested this favour from the Holy Shahul Hameed in Nagore India. But it was a total shock to me that my ardent desire is unfolding right infront of my eyes. I have at finally opened a page in the internet of the greatest awliya who ever walked in this earth 500 years ago and have fulfilled Allah's(swt) mission to pull as many progeny of Adam alaihis salam to the Straight Path drawn by our Almighty and the way of His beloved Prophet Muhammad (May Allah's Peace and Blessing be upon him).In this respect i am profoundly grateful to all those who have contributed to this internet world especially my sincere salutation to To date many people all over the world from all walks of lives and coming from different faiths have found an attraction in Nagore. They have found a co...