Dream Of Bebe Fatimah - Part Five
Hazereth Hassan Khoodus approached her wife with kindness and soon realised that there is some spiritual aura in her flawless face. As he probed into her eyes, he heard someone said to him the following words:
‘O father! Be patient. I am your spiritual son who is now in the womb. Soon to come out to this world and will be able to unite the mankind unto one with the will of Allah swt’
After hearing these words, Hazereth Khoodus realised the message and kissed her wife’s forehead with utmost care and said ‘Glory Be to Allah swt’
‘O father! Be patient. I am your spiritual son who is now in the womb. Soon to come out to this world and will be able to unite the mankind unto one with the will of Allah swt’
After hearing these words, Hazereth Khoodus realised the message and kissed her wife’s forehead with utmost care and said ‘Glory Be to Allah swt’