Dream Of Bebe Fatimah - Part Three

The dream of Bebe Fatimah put Hazereth Hassan Khoodus in a deep thought. As the dawn was nearing he proceeded to the Sultan Firoz Shah mosque to pray the morning prayer.

Hazereth Hassan Khoodus is a direct descendant from the progeny of Prophet Muhammand pbuh. Their parents came to Manicappur during the reign of Sultan Shah Feroz Shah. Hazereth Hassan Khoodus was a respectable person among the people like his parents.

As he was returning from the mosque he saw a large crowd rioting nearby. It is the usual scene here. Hazereth Hassan Khoodus was devoted to his religion Islam and he believed that a true muslim will not in any way force his ideology upon others. A true muslim whose predominant effort shall be to get close to his Creator and lead people by example, and not by enforcement.

‘To you be your way and to be mine’ verse 6 of Chapter 109 of the Al Quran crosses the mind of the noble Hassan Khoodus (RA) as he was entering his home….

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