Raising of Flags

1st Jamaidul Akhir
This is an auspicious and most celebrated day in Nagore. Many people of all faiths congregate along the streets of Nagore to have a glimpse of the flags in procession in adorned chariots carrying to Nagore Dargah. This is the first day of the Kandoori celebration in Nagore.

Flag is a sign of identity. It is the symbol of presence. It is signage of existence. In a war a flag is raised as a sign of victory. Similarly, the raising of flags in the five minarets of Nagore Dargah may be cited to the spiritual victory to the Kingdom of Islam through the holy Hazarath Kuthub ul Akthab Syedina Shahul Hameed (RA).

This year the raising of flags to the minarets will take place on the 16 June 2007. You can witness workers taking this job both as a holy privelge and income daringly hoisting the flag using a large pole. The pole is placed perpendicular to the minaret supported by a net like rope as depicted in the picture. Once the pole is set, the workers with the holy name in their hearts climb up using the net rope as pathway towards the pinnacle of the pole. There they raise the flag. If they had a vow they will say Ya Kadir Muradhu Hasil.

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