The Holy Prophet Sayings

Sacred Sayings of the Beloved of God
Whoever loveth to meet God, God loveth to meet him.

God saith, "I fulfil the faith of whoso putteth his faith in Me; and I am with him, and near him, when remembereth Me."

God saith, "Whoso doth one good act, for him are ten rewards; and I also give more to whomever I will; and whoso doth an ill, its punishment is equal to it, or I forgive him; and whoso seeketh to approach Me one span, I seek to approach one cubit; and whoso seeketh to approach Me one cubit, I seek to approach him two fathoms; and whoso walketh towards Me, I run towards him; and whoso cometh before Me with the earth full of sins, and believeth solely in Me, him I come before with a front of forgiveness as big as the earth."

God saith, "The person I hold as a beloved, I am his hearing by which he heareth, and I am his sight by which he seeth, and I am his hands by which he holdeth, and I am his feet by which he walketh."

God saith, "O Man! Only follow thou My laws, and thou shall become like unto Me, and then say, 'Be' and behold, It is."

God is One, and liketh unity.

We were with Muhammad on a journey, and some men stood up repeating aloud, "God is most great," and the Rasul said, "O men! Be easy on yourselves, and do not distress yourselves by raising your voices, verily you do not call to one deaf or absent, but verily to one who heareth and seeth; and He is with you; and He to whom you pray is nearer to you than the neck of your camel."

God sait, "I was a hidden treasure. I would fain be known. So I created Man."

Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first.

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