
Showing posts from May, 2007

Raising of Flags

1st Jamaidul Akhir T his is an auspicious and most celebrated day in Nagore. Many people of all faiths congregate along the streets of Nagore to have a glimpse of the flags in procession in adorned chariots carrying to Nagore Dargah. This is the first day of the Kandoori celebration in Nagore. Flag is a sign of identity. It is the symbol of presence. It is signage of existence. In a war a flag is raised as a sign of victory. Similarly, the raising of flags in the five minarets of Nagore Dargah may be cited to the spiritual victory to the Kingdom of Islam through the holy Hazarath Kuthub ul Akthab Syedina Shahul Hameed (RA). This year the raising of flags to the minarets will take place on the 16 June 2007. You can witness workers taking this job both as a holy privelge and income daringly hoisting the flag using a large pole. The pole is placed perpendicular to the minaret supported by a net like rope as depicted in the picture. Once the pole is set, the workers with the holy name in...

Be Concious of The Glorious Allah

Fear Allah In Every Step In the history of man, there are countless souls which had attained the pleasure of Allah (swt) because they feared Allah (swt) in every step they took in their lives. One such great soul who lived in a place near the small town of Gilan in Iran of noble descent. He was Hazrat Abu Saleh Jangi-dost, a direct descendant Hazrat Iman Hassan. He feared Allah (swt) and a pious man who spent his days in contemplation of Allah(swt). Once he ate an apple out of hunger which had floated down the stream. Immediately, his conscience pricked him. He doubted whether the apple was lawful for him. He got up and walked up the river along the bank. After a few days' journey without any food, he saw an apple tree laden with apples on the bank of the river amongst a large garden and a spacious building. He saw some apples fall into the river. Hence he had no doubt that the apple he had eaten had fallen from the tree. He also learnt that Hazrat Abdullah Sawmai was the owner ...

Remember Allah The Most High

IN THE PATH OF ALLAH SWT In the article Who Are The Awliyas we found a system on how to get closer to Allah (swt). All we have to do is to FEAR ALLAH. Maryam (May The Blessing of Allah Be Upon Her) the mother of Isa alaihis salam feared Allah (swt) and Allah (swt) chosen her as the woman of all nation. That was the story Allah(swt) told to our leader of Islam Prophet Muhammad( May Allah Peace and Blessing Be Upon him). We called our selves as muslims merely reading the verses of the Al Quran and forgetting about the message totally. The reason is that it is difficult to follow the way laid by Allah (swt). Who are we to deny Allah(swt) message by telling that such way is difficult to follow? Our Muhammad rasullallah followed that path one hundred percent and he passed the test with full marks. Allah (swt) says in Chapt 31 verse 21 thus : Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and remembereth Allah much. Read Capt 47 ver...

The Holy Prophet Sayings

Sacred Sayings of the Beloved of God Whoever loveth to meet God, God loveth to meet him. God saith, "I fulfil the faith of whoso putteth his faith in Me; and I am with him, and near him, when remembereth Me." God saith, "Whoso doth one good act, for him are ten rewards; and I also give more to whomever I will; and whoso doth an ill, its punishment is equal to it, or I forgive him; and whoso seeketh to approach Me one span, I seek to approach one cubit; and whoso seeketh to approach Me one cubit, I seek to approach him two fathoms; and whoso walketh towards Me, I run towards him; and whoso cometh before Me with the earth full of sins, and believeth solely in Me, him I come before with a front of forgiveness as big as the earth." God saith, "The person I hold as a beloved, I am his hearing by which he heareth, and I am his sight by which he seeth, and I am his hands by which he holdeth, and I am his feet by which he walketh." God saith, "O Man! Only fol...

Who are the Awliyas?

Friends of Allah If you ask me, the answer is in the Holy Quran itself. In chapter 10 verses 62 - 64 Allah swt says this, " No doubt! Verily, the Awliya' of Allah, no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve. Those who believed, and used to fear Allah much (by abstaining from evil deeds and sins and by doing righteous deeds). For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present world, and in the Hereafter. No change can there be in the Words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme success." Allah is saying that the Awliya of Allah does not have to fear or grieve. The second part of the verse is actually the pathway to reach the station of Awliyas. The gateway to Awliya of Allah is the supreme success according to Allah swt. The only thing we have to do is to FEAR ALLAH. Whatever you want to do realise that Allah swt is Ever Watchful. He did not create us for fun and play. He created us for a purpose. Every moment in our lives we have to be conciously be aware of All...

Sacred Light of Nagore

Light of Nagore Today (20th May 2007)is my birthday. I am ineffably happy to come to this far in showing the world of my Great Grandfather's spiritual station. It was my wish a year ago when i requested this favour from the Holy Shahul Hameed in Nagore India. But it was a total shock to me that my ardent desire is unfolding right infront of my eyes. I have at finally opened a page in the internet of the greatest awliya who ever walked in this earth 500 years ago and have fulfilled Allah's(swt) mission to pull as many progeny of Adam alaihis salam to the Straight Path drawn by our Almighty and the way of His beloved Prophet Muhammad (May Allah's Peace and Blessing be upon him).In this respect i am profoundly grateful to all those who have contributed to this internet world especially my sincere salutation to To date many people all over the world from all walks of lives and coming from different faiths have found an attraction in Nagore. They have found a co...

Kandoori Festival - Part Two

450th Kandoory Festival Invitation HAZIRATH SMB SUTHAN KABEER SAHIB sends out the 450th Kandoori Festival invitation to many within India and to the rest of the world. Being the 10th direct blood descendant of the ever great and holy Halarath Kuthbul Aktab Farthul Ahbab Syedus Sathath Syedina Syed abdul Kadir Shahul Hameed Kadir Oli Ganjabuksh Bathusha Sahib Andavar Avargal, Sulthan Kabeer Sahib had been a meticulous person performing his duties deligently and with precision. He has to be prudent in every step he takes standing as a pillar to the dargah's management and administration. Truly, he is the benign custodian of the dargah which has been bestowed by Allah (swt) and by the guiding principles of the Board of Nagore Dargah Hereditary Trustee. May Allah (swt) give him the choicest blessings. The important days of the Grand Kandoori Festival 2007 begins on the 16 June 2007 and ends in 29 June 2007. The mounting of flag, display of fire works, installation of peer, anointment o...

The Kandhoori Festival - Part One

The Kandhoori Festival - Part One T hough i am on the other side of the globe, my heart still earnestly wish i was at Nagore together with my family to participate in the ever great Kandhoori Festival. It is actually an auspicious event to remember the passing of a great pure soul known by the name as Hazarath Kuthbul Aktab Farthul Ahbab Syedus Sathath Syedina Abdul Kadir Shahul Hameed Kadir Oli Ganjasavay Ganjabukah Bathusha Sahib (RA). My thoughts flashbacked last year this time. I was at Nagore, together with my family. At this time, the board of Trustees of Nagore Dargah will be preparing for this world reknown occasion. This periodic commemeration will start on the 10th of Jamaidul Akhir of every Islamic calender. This year this will happen (with the will of Allah swt) on 27 June 2007 in Nagore in India . My name is Bava Bahrudeen , the 11th direct descendant of the Hazarath Syed Shahul Hameed Kadir Wali(RA). My father will be as busy as an ant joining the many people in the bandw...