
Do you worship God or something or someone?

⚘️It' Friday again. May Allah swt bless and give us goodness in this world and in the hereafter, and grant us Jannathul Firdous.🤲 [from] On the day of Judgement the Prophet will lodge the following complaint.  "Then the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! Truly my people took this Qur'an for just foolish nonsense."  May Allah swt protect us from this and enable us to read, understand and follow the Quran only.  Do you worship or admire anyone other than God?  Do you hold anyone in such high regard that you believe they are flawless, even though only God can truly be perfection itself? Is there anyone you love as deeply as you love God?  Is there any name you honor as much as the name of God, or perhaps even more?  Do you follow any religious laws that are not derived from the Quran?  Do you put all your faith and reliance in others, believing they have the ability to assist yo...

How Shahul Hameed Destroyed The Bandit

The next instance, the boy saw a green horse descending from the sky. He ascended the horse back which was followed by 1000 angels of Allah swt. Bebi Fatimah saw them heading towards the abodes of the bandits who were occupying part of the village. As the boy Shahul Hameed entered the abode together with the 1000 angels, there were noise and clamour coming from the part of the village where the bandits took rest. The next moment, the notorious clans ran screaming aimlessly out of the village as though a great calamity had befallen them. They were frightened by Shahul Hameed and his soldiers. The entire village was awaken by this noise and commotion. One neighbour of Bebi Fatimah shouted ' Hey people, the bandits were frightened and running away from our village!. The prediction of Hazereth Hazzan Khudoos has come into being! Allah swt has saved us!' As the noise dissipated, Bebi Fatimah heard the boy's voice again in the midst of the night. She saw him and wanted to embrac...

Unborn Child Comforted Syeeda Fatimah

Hazereth Hassan Khoodus RA reached his house in the still of the night. His beloved pregnant wife Syeeda Fatimah was also awake waiting for the return of her husband. She asked "Have you resolved the problem and what have you decided to do?" Hazereth Hassan RA replied " Only God can open a door for this problem. We decided to wait till dawn". Hazereth Hassan RA was fast asleep. But his wife who was beside him was not overwhelmed by it. She was also worried about the issue at hand and her heart was with the remembrance of God's name. Her heart wanted a solution. As she was closing her eyes falling into sleep she was awaken by a loud noise of shutting windows at her bedroom . She got up and tried to close the windows. The sky was pitch dark and there were strong winds with drizzle of rain. In that instance, she heard someone calling " mother! mother! mother!". She quickly shut the windows and went to bed. But the calling did not stop. "mother! mothe...

Worry Overpowered The People Of Manickapoor

The people of Manikapoor were worried. It was in the wee hours of the night. The people were overtaken by worry rather than a good night sleep. They were wide awake gathering outside the common area. It was because of the demand of the notorious robbers. They want money and belongings of the people by morning. Otherwise, the people of Manickappor should give them their women. The disunited Hindus and Muslims were united with this common problem. While they were gathered they heard a voice of the soldier of Islam. ‘If they want our wealth and money we can give them but if they want our women then we will fight..dear brothers take rest and we will meet in the morning’ said Hassan Hazereth Khoodus

Dream Of Bebe Fatimah - Part Five

H azereth Hassan Khoodus approached her wife with kindness and soon realised that there is some spiritual aura in her flawless face. As he probed into her eyes, he heard someone said to him the following words: ‘O father! Be patient. I am your spiritual son who is now in the womb. Soon to come out to this world and will be able to unite the mankind unto one with the will of Allah swt’ After hearing these words, Hazereth Khoodus realised the message and kissed her wife’s forehead with utmost care and said ‘Glory Be to Allah swt’

Dream Of Bebe Fatimah -Part Four

“ A llah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not-- light upon light-- Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things. In houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and that His name may be remembered in them; there glorify Him therein in the mornings and the evenings…” As Hazereth Hassan Khoodus entered his house the above verses of the Al Quran was being recited by his wife Bebe Fatimah. As she realised that her husband return she ended her recitation and kissed the Book of Allah swt and want to attend to his need. [Part 5]

Dream Of Bebe Fatimah - Part Three

T he dream of Bebe Fatimah put Hazereth Hassan Khoodus in a deep thought. As the dawn was nearing he proceeded to the Sultan Firoz Shah mosque to pray the morning prayer. Hazereth Hassan Khoodus is a direct descendant from the progeny of Prophet Muhammand pbuh. Their parents came to Manicappur during the reign of Sultan Shah Feroz Shah. Hazereth Hassan Khoodus was a respectable person among the people like his parents. As he was returning from the mosque he saw a large crowd rioting nearby. It is the usual scene here. Hazereth Hassan Khoodus was devoted to his religion Islam and he believed that a true muslim will not in any way force his ideology upon others. A true muslim whose predominant effort shall be to get close to his Creator and lead people by example, and not by enforcement. ‘To you be your way and to be mine’ verse 6 of Chapter 109 of the Al Quran crosses the mind of the noble Hassan Khoodus (RA) as he was entering his home….