
Showing posts from June, 2007

Poem No 2.

Thou art the ambit of Reason Oh Ganja Savai Kadir Meera! Blessing like falling leaves in changing season Our chief Kadir Meera! Oh Pure Light of Nagore! Shining on its Fame Scroll From Prince Hassan Khuddus of Mahnik Kappore A Lighthouse from Nagore Wall Whosoever believe in thee Blessed will be Running to thy doorway standing still Hidden burden to thee I spill True believers blessed and free With hope to receive, I retreat A solace for my teething grief Whosoever believe in thee Blessed will be True believers blessed and free My hands are barren Only tears from heart saddened Calling upon thee with earnest and honesty That thou may arrive with certainty Am I not thy offspring? Have thy not heard my prayer, Art thou not my King? In the name of Rasul Oh Mayor? Will not thou raise thy spiritual Hands And appeal to Allah for my sake If not for thee no light of strand Divert a river to the empty lake Thy child Dada Usuf Wali Sultan Bebi Amma the holy A boat twin oar Oh King Hameed! Make o...

Poem No 1

Eternal Rahman’s Luminous break Oh King , Shahul Hameed ! Progeny of the Prophet Oh Grand Shaik Oh King Shahul Hameed ! Of The Great Wali Mohaiyadeen’s breed Oh King Shahul Hameed ! Extinguisher of Illness in parading steeds Oh pure generous Shahul Hameed! Cured Thanjai King on death bed Oh King, Leader Shahul Hameed! The lustre and Pillar of Tauhid Oh Sultan Shahul Hameed! The Pure Brilliance of Hassan’s heart Within thee Oh Shahul Hameed! Mother Fatimah’s stare of sparkling bright Thou art O King , Shahul Hameed! Giver of bounties for those in need Bathusha Fakir Hameed! 14 Orders Wise Head Oh King Shahul Hameed! Hindus Christians praises prepaid Oh Beloved Teacher Haja Hameed! Why then thou have not heard my hopeful needs? Oh Father Shahul Hameed! Revived the long unknown deceased Oh beloved Shahul Hammed! Thou art The King of Walis Oh Prince Shahul Hameed ! The Jinn clans shivering fear Whilst devotees utter thy name in prayer Oh Shahul Hameed! Together the shaitan sprint and sway!...

Poems For My Great Grandfather

In this section i just want to translate some of the poems already written for the Great Wali of Nagore. The two benefits of poem writing are that they can capture the history in rhymes and easy to grasp. My humble poems for the Beloved of Allah swt.

End Of The Khandoori Festival

14 th Jamaidhul Akhir It is with the Will of Allah swt through my Great Grandfather Shahul Hameed Kadir Oli RA that i came to this far to have written the story of the Great Khandoori Festival in Nagore. Throughout the 14 days the message of the Al Quran will be recited and its blessings were rendered to the Great Soul who had already won the closeness of the Creator Allah swt. My Great Grandfather had sacrificed the happiness of this life for the sake of Allah alone. My faith shies away whenever i see a stronger muslim that is my Great Grandfather. Like the stars in the darkest night our faiths differ with luster. One star may never be seen by the naked eye than the other one which can brightly shines through. This is how Allah swt sees us. If our faith is stronger and robust Allah swt admire and adore us and give us the best station in spirituality. At the end of the Kandoori Festival, though the flags will be dismounted and the lights removed the spiritual light of Nagore Dargah w...

Breaking of the Holy Fast

11th Jamaidhul Akhir Every year on this day , the devotees arrive at Nagore start the ritual fast initiated by the Hazarath Mohsin , one of the students of the Great Saint Shahul Hameed RA . The venue of this fasting will be carried out at the "Peer Mandapam" . The fasting begins from 9th Jamaidhul Akhir and ends on 11th Jamaidhul Akhir. Before they approach the sea front ,to break the fast, next to a shrine known as Chilladi Dargah the devotees visit the tomb of the Great Saint. At the seafront in the evening they break the holy fast. The five minarets in Nagore resembles the five pillars of Islam. Through the grace of my Great Grandfather fasting is also finely tuned in the celebration of the Great Khandoori Festival. All praise to Allah the Most Holy.

Anointment of Sandalwood Paste

10 th Jamaidhul Ahkir In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. The 10th day of Jamaidhul Akhir falls on the 25th June 2007. There are many holy days in the Islamic Calendar and the 10 th day of Jamaidhul Akhir is one such significant day in Islamic history. On this day, my Great Grandfather Hazarath Kuthubul, Farthul Ahbabi, Syed Shathath, Syedina Shahul Hameed Ganzasavai Badhusha Kadri (RA) an incomparable saint had departed from this world. In Nagore, it had been a usual practice to launch the Great Khandoori Festival for 14 days starting from 1st to 14th of Jamidhul Akhir. The 10th day is the most important day. On this day people from many states in India and many devotees from Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and other parts of the world visit Nagore by tens of thousands in order that their vows are fulfilled by this Great Saint. For many of them it is a pilgrimage to pay respect and give gratitude for their fulfilled vows. This is the day when all the visitors who came h...

Launching of Peer

9 the Jamaidul Akhir Halarath Kuthbul Aktab Farthul Ahbab Syedus Sathath Syedina Syed abdul Kadir Shahul Hameed Kadir Oli Ganjabuksh Bathusha Sahib Andavar Avargal had 404 followers. Two of the followers were not present with the Great Qutub when he faded from this physical world. Upon enquiry that the Great Soul was put to rest a follower by the name of Hazarath Mohsin with tearful eyes revealed his love that he greatly missed The Great Master to The Master's son Hazarath Yuousif Sahib (RA) hoping a miracle could happen. In one incident Our Great Master visited Tenkasi and found that the people were stricken with famine and hunger. His followers slaughtered a bull to feed the poor people of Tengkasi. This has ourtraged the hindu people thereat as the bull is one of the diety of Hinduisim. As the saint was so close to Allah swt and with the permission of Allah swt he told his followers to pile up the bones of the cow. The Master then gave the heap of bones a gentle tap by his wal...

Display Of Fireworks

8 Jamaidhul Akhir The display of fireworks is part of the chain of the Khandoori Festival. This will happen on the 8th Jamaidhul Akhir. And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!" Who doth greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being invited to Islam? And Allah guides not those who do wrong. Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it). Readers are advised to read the above verses 61:6 to 61:8 of the holy Quran. Here Allah swt says that He is Light and He will complete His Light. These verses brings me back display of firework...